Welcome back summer, welcome back to back yard barbecues, northwest Oregon style "warm" days, camping trips, and of course fireworks season. Independence Day is just around the corner and already the sounds of celebration can be heard in our neighborhoods. We are in a tough spot here in the Portland Metro Area, less than an hour from the State of Washington it's easy for our neighbors to make a run to Vancouver or Longview and pick up the usual roman candles, mortar shells, firecrackers, and bottle rockets that light up our evening sky this time of year. Before you make that trip across the Columbia River we wanted to take a second to urge you about not only the dangers of illegal fireworks but caution you also the risk you take to your pocket book if you get caught using fireworks that aren't legal in Oregon.
Getting caught in the City of Forest Grove with illegal fireworks is not just a violation of State Laws but it also violates our own locally adopted City Codes and Ordinances and can bring with it a $1,000 citation and invitation to plead your case in our Municipal Court. If a Firefighter or Police Officer catches you with illegal fireworks in your possession you will lose your fireworks and it is up to the Officer if a citation will be issued. This may seem silly to those that use illegal fireworks, but every year we get dozens of phone calls reporting illegal fireworks and generally speaking people are just not comfortable with them booming in their neighborhoods or shrieking into the sky above their homes. Though illegal fireworks may be more enjoyable to some, they not only create a potential for fires and injuries, but are also responsible for anxiety to persons and pets. Forest Grove Fire & Rescue is teaming up with our partners at the Forest Grove Police Department to hit the streets and patrol for illegal fireworks. On both July 3rd and July 4th special task forces of police officers and firefighters will be out in our neighborhoods on the lookout for people violating these simple to follow Oregon laws and local ordinances. The basic rule is that Oregon law bans possession, use, or sale of fireworks that fly, explode, or travel more than six feet on the ground or 12 inches into the air. Fireworks commonly called bottle rockets, Roman Candles, and firecrackers are ILLEGAL in Oregon.
It's not just the illegal fireworks that firefighters are concerned with however. Every year common fireworks that you can purchase at any stand here in Forest Grove are the ignition source for fires in both brush and structures. This doesn't have to happen, if you use the fireworks in a safe place like a concrete, rocked, or paved area where there is no chance that sparks or hot fireworks can find their way into brush or against fences or buildings you should be just fine. Sadly, many of these fires are actually started by children. Our fireworks retailers do a pretty good job of keeping sales to adults only but kids will be kids and they often find the fireworks at home or from a friend and that leads to disaster. Parents need to understand that fireworks are not toys and that they can be held financially and legally responsible for their children's actions and not only the damages caused, but the cost of fighting a fire caused by fireworks as well
Have a safe Independence Day Holiday and why don't you leave the fireworks to the professionals. Stop by the City of Forest Grove Old Time Fireworks Show and Independence Day Celebration on July 4th at Tom McCall Elementary School. This family friendly event will start with live music from local singer songwriter Josh Smith at 8:30 pm and a fireworks show by Forest Grove's own pyrotechnician Chris Sutton. No personal fireworks, alcohol, or tobacco will be allowed on school grounds, but feel free to bring a blanket and lay out on the fields and enjoy the show.
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